Over the past few years, I have noticed that larger industries and groups that "pool" multiple industries and others in different fields of business/technology, have demonstrated poor business etiquette when dealing with people who are independents as well as those who have a firm footing in their respective technological fields, but are still considered "small entity". Change 1: Out of courtesy, I removed the names of the respective industries that have questionable etiquette and/or integrity. Pointing fingers will never change anything. Further, change would need to come from within any organization. Poor etiquette and integrity are simply the result of poor leadership in part or as a whole within any organization. The cliche' phrase "it's only business" is foolish to use in an attempt to justify having a lack of integrity.
All are treated in a similar manner. So why is it that the larger icons of respective industries deal with everyone in this "business caliber" this way? Big industries have the resources, time and legal backing to keep smaller entities tied up in a legal "merry-go-round" for a long time. Some even circumnavigate patent laws to infringe the rights of intellectual property held by small entities and independents. It's difficult to understand why a company would utilize methods of poor integrity to gain control of intellectual property, but it happens more often than people think. Large industries will spend thousands upon thousands of dollars to have academia institutions study a technological field, but when present with a concept that may/may not advance any given state-of-the-art technology, they resort to "short handed dealings", spend more money tangling it up in their legal department to keep independents at bay, when much less money would be spent just buying the patent rights out right. Most independents spend years refining one concept of technology that they wish to present to larger industry in hopes of having some sort of monetary gain. However, not all of us pursue our endeavors this way. I consider myself as "unselfish" when sharing ideas and I have no desire to "toot my own horn". I cannot give all ideas away, but I have shared more than a few ideas between respective industries, DARPA, and the military. Some on the side of DARPA & the military still deal in a manner that is "less than desirable". I was never concerned about getting "credit", but a little feedback would have been appreciated. I will continue to offer ideas when allowed to do so because for myself and my peers.... we're the "end state" user of what all of industry puts out and should have been the end state user of what industry failed to put out. So remember that your "politics" had an effect on us on the ground in Iraq, and will continue to effect us on the ground in Afghanistan and future fields of war. Good or bad, you as a member of industry have a hand in our support or our demise.
No one can say that those respective big industries are not professioanl regarding their fields of technology. This post simply questions why the poor etiquette?